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What is a "mapping"?

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In a manner of speaking, a mapping is a depiction of how one set of things stack up against another set of things.  The KVRS - CAAS Standards Mapping is a web page that shows how KVRS's situation stacks up against CAAS standards.  On the Mapping page, CAAS standards are shown on the left, and corresponding KVRS elements are shown on the right.  KVRS uses the mapping to track the squad's progress towards full compliance with CAAS standards.

Note that half the battle of standards compliance is simply establishing such a mapping.  The mapping always starts off showing zero compliance -- an administrator must update the mapping over time.  Empty entries on the KVRS Elements side of the mapping do not necessarily mean that the squad does not comply with the associated standards.  It could be that the squad is compliant, but the mapping administrator hasn't had a chance to update the web page.  IN OTHER WORDS, THE MAPPING IS ALWAYS "UNDER CONSTRUCTION".

Why does KVRS provide this information?

The mapping itself.

Return to KVRS - CAAS Standards Mapping page 

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