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Squad truck crew prepares to perform a vertical crunch - 128KSimulation of a vehicle extrication rescue effort (April 1997). Shock/Trauma Technicians Anthony Wilson and Sue Reynolds are operating the Hurst 32A "Jaws of Life" hydraulic spreader. Cardiac Technician Dan Love (wearing the white helmet) is acting as the extrication officer and updating the incident commander on the radio. In this exhibit, the Jaws are being used to perform a "vertical crunch" -- a maneuver that will simultaneously pop the jammed door off its latch and displace the roof away from the patient's head. The patient is protected with a heavy fire-retardant blanket and a short backboard. Although not visible in this exhibit, one of our crew members is in the car with the patient to provide treatment, protection, explanation, and reassurance as we perform the extrication.

See photos of our actual extrications!

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