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Office of the Treasurer


The KVRS Treasurer's role is defined as follows:
  • Specifically:  Section IV.A.1.d of the KVRS Bylaws
  • In general:  Robert's Rules of Order
The provisions of the bylaws take precedence.

General practices


The squad keeps its books using QuickBooks Online (QBO).

In QuickBooks, the squad uses class tracking to achieve fund accounting.  Fund accounting involves making a particular individual (an officer, coordinator, or committee chairperson) accountable for administering a subset of squad assets, known as funds.  This arrangement allows the squad to use an accountable divide-and-conquer strategy to deal with the hundreds of thousands of dollars of unrestricted and restricted donations that it receives annually.

"Setting up the Annual Budget" training module (source files here)

The treasurer (or designee) is traditionally responsible for producing and distributing Fund Reports to the appropriate officers, coordinators, and committee chairs each month. 

Purchase Orders

The squad requires its members to submit official squad purchase orders to the treasurer when making orders or purchases.  Payment may be delayed on transactions that do not include purchase orders.

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