President's To-Do List
- Form President's Advisory Panel (PAP)
- Finish Our Future document
- Under topic of increased community oversight & involvement, stress immature
processes, reliance on heroic efforts of individuals, desire for repeatability.
- Finish introductory letter
- Pursue my ideas for nominees
- Referrals from the Virginia Beach Council of Civic Organizations
- Stuart Buxbaum
- Dr. Garry
- Pursue nominations from Linda Finch
- David Grockmall, formerly of Fairfield Civic League
- Timothy P. Callahan, Investment executive, BFP Financial Partners, Inc., 745 Duke
Street, Norfolk, VA, 23510, 446-6600, 952-3648, 446-6629
- Charles J. Niederstadt, Jr., Customer service rep, Princess Anne Bank, 905 Princess Anne
Road, VB, VA, 23450, 486-9490, 467-6354
- Stephen F. Arscott, Banking center manager, Nationsbank, Kempsville Banking Center, 5221
Princess Anne Road, VB, VA, 23462-6301, 490-7940, 490-7943 (fax), 800-880-5454
- Westview Auto
- Pursue nominations from John Peters & Judy Paulsen
- Get classification data onto Our Apparatus! page; gear for RSAF, inspection, etc.
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