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Bylaws -- Section 100



101.1 The officers of the Executive Department shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Chaplain.

Amended: 4Apr94, 1May2006


102.1 Only Full Members and Active Life Members, and Administrative Members who are eligible to vote, shall be eligible to hold elected administrative offices.

102.2 Wherever these bylaws describe administrative offices that are to be filled by presidential appointment, only Full Members, Active Life Members, Inactive Life Members, and Administrative Members shall be eligible for appointment.

Amended: 4Nov96, 4Apr2005


103.1 Nomination of Executive Officers which includes the President, Vice-President, Chaplain, and four (4) Board of Directors shall be made by a Nomination Committee at the annual regular business meeting in October.

103.1.1 The Secretary and Treasurer shall be appointed by the president, with the approval of the Board of Directors.

103.2 Election of the Officers shall be held annually at the regular business meeting in November. A majority shall elect.

103.3 Newly elected officers will take office immediately after being installed. The installation of officers shall take place at the annual dinner, to be held in November.

103.4 The officers elected shall hold office for a period of one (1) year.

103.5 In the event of the resignation or relief for cause, the above named officers shall deliver to their successor all property of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad.

103.6 All election of officers shall be by secret ballot when there are two or more candidates and a majority of all legal ballots shall elect.

103.7 In the event of the resignation, death, or removal from office, for any reason, of any elected officer of the Executive Department, another member shall be elected to the position to fill the unexpired portion of the term of office at the next regular business meeting.

103.8 No member of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad shall hold more than one elected or appointed office at one time.

Amended: 1May2006


104.1 President
It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all business meetings, preserve order, enforce the administrative By-Laws, call all special business meetings, when necessary or when directed to do so, in writing by five (5) members in good standing; attest and sign all orders on the Treasurer when sanctioned by the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. In case of a tie vote, the president shall cast the deciding vote. The president shall appoint all committees as defined without unnecessary delay.
104.2 Vice-President
It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to assume the duties of the President in the absence of the same.
104.3 Secretary
It shall be the duty of the Secretary to keep an accurate and complete record of all business transactions of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. The Secretary shall receive and draft all correspondence of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. The Secretary shall acknowledge all donations received, provided a receipt was not given when the money was received. The Secretary shall keep a list of all applicants for membership. The Secretary will keep an accurate record of the name, address, and telephone number of each member. The Secretary will maintain a master roll showing attendance of members to business and drill meetings. The Secretary will keep an accurate record of all minutes of the monthly business meetings and post a copy on the bulletin board within 72 hours of said meeting and leave posted until the next regular monthly meeting.
104.4 Treasurer
It shall be the duty of the Treasurer to receive all monies of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad, giving receipt for the same. The Treasurer shall disburse the funds of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad as directed by the members. The Treasurer shall not pay any bills except on orders signed by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall be required to furnish such bond as is required by the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. Maintain financial records as prescribed by the officers of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad and shall submit monthly financial statements to the membership [sic].
104.5 Chaplain
It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to administer to the spiritual needs of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. The Chaplain shall acknowledge all occasions as deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors.
104.6 Board of Directors
There shall be a Board of Directors consisting of the President, the Vice-President, the Captain, and four (4) at-large members of the Kempsville Rescue Squad Inc. In November of 1996, two of the four at-large members shall be elected to two-year terms, the other two to one-year terms. In subsequent years, the two at-large seats that are up for election shall be filled for terms of two-years. The President shall preside as Chairman of the Board of Directors. In the President's absence, the Vice-President shall act as chairman. The Secretary of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Chairman from the membership of the Board of Directors. The quorum for meetings of the Board of Directors shall be a majority of the elected Directors.

A. The duties, responsibilities and authority of the Board of Directors shall be as follows:

1. Basic Function
The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the proper administration of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. The Board of Directors shall not address operation matters unless specified by these By-Laws.
2. Duties
The duties of the Board of Directors shall be to meet at the call of the President and to act on all matters of business properly presented before them.
3. Responsibilities and Authority
The Board of Directors shall insure that all obligations of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad are properly discharged; shall insure that all matters of business presented before the Board are acted upon; shall insure that the membership of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad are informed at the next regular monthly business meeting of all matters presented before The Board that final action has been initiated; shall be responsible to investigate all proposed improvements or purchases in excess of $100.00 and make a report with their recommendations to the membership of the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad. In the event an appeal is being heard by the Board no member will have a direct interest in the incident or individual under review.
4. Organizational Relationship
The Board of Directors reports to the Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad.
104.7 Sergeant-at-Arms
The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be appointed by the President. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall be the doorkeeper. He shall see that all members and visitors attending the meeting sign a ledger to be known as the roll call ledger. It shall be the duty of the Sergeant-at-Arms to see that this is enforced. The ledger shall be returned to the Secretary 15 minutes after the meeting is called to order. He shall assist the President in maintaining order.
104.8 Parliamentarian
He shall be appointed by the President. Shall address all matters of parliamentary procedures and render a final decision. [sic]

104.9 Citizen Advisor

104.9.1 The Citizen Advisor must be a citizen whose primary residence is in the City of Virginia Beach. The Citizen Advisor must be otherwise unassociated with the firefighting and emergency medical services serving Virginia Beach, except for being an end-user and financial benefactor to the above named services.

104.9.2 Nomination of candidates for the office of Citizen Advisor shall take place at the regular business meeting in October.

104.9.3 Election of the Citizen Advisor shall take place at the regular business meeting in November. A plurality of the members present shall be required to elect the Citizen Advisor, and this requirement shall supercede conflicting requirements of other sections of these bylaws.

104.9.4 Upon completion of the first year in office, the Citizen Advisor shall be conferred the status of Honorary Member.

104.9.5 The Citizen Advisor shall have a vote on the Board of Directors, but not at the general membership meetings. The Citizen Advisor must attend 75% of the Board meetings, but is not required to attend the general membership meetings. The Citizen Advisor shall not be held to the requirements of section 102.2.

Amended: 4Apr94, 5Aug96, 4Apr2005, 1May2006

The rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules Of Order Newly Revised shall govern the organization except where they are inconsistent with these bylaws or with any special rules of order the organization may adopt.

Amended: 1Apr96


106.1 All members may appeal any disciplinary action directed against them to the Board of Directors with final disposition to the general membership.


107.1 Deleted

107.2 Membership Committee
There shall be a membership Committee consisting of three (3) members appointed by the President. One member being designated chairman by the President [sic]. The duties of the Membership Committee are as follows:

A. Receive all applications for membership.

B. Investigate all applications and give their recommendations to the membership.

C. Acquaint all new applicants with the By-Laws, rules and regulations of the squad.

107.3 Public Relations Committee
There shall be a Public Relations Committee consisting of the two senior operational officers and one member appointed by the President to serve as Public Relations Officer. The duties of the Public Relations Committee are as follows:

A. Place the Squad activities in the public eye and distribute programs educating the public as to the work of the squad. This will be carried out with the assistance of the officers and the members.

B. The Committee shall be in charge of all publicity used to further Squad purposes.

C. The Committee shall assist the Fund Drive Chairman in all publicity for all fund raising.

107.4 Entertainment Committee
There shall be an Entertainment Committee consisting of three (3) members, one of whom shall be designated Chairman by the President. The Entertainment Committee will be appointed by the President. This Committee shall be responsible for the planning and execution of all social functions of the Squad.
107.5 Auditing Committee
There shall be an Auditing Committee of three (3) members appointed by the President to audit the accounts of the Squad quarterly or as determined by the Board of Directors.
107.6 Nominating Committee
There shall be a Nominating Committee of three (3) members appointed by the President. They shall nominate all elected officers at the regular scheduled business meeting held in October.
107.7 Fund Drive
There shall be a Fund Drive Committee of three (3) members appointed by the President with one being designated chairman. Duties are to coordinate all activities of fund raising. This is to be carried out with the help of the membership.
107.8 Finance Committee
There shall be a Finance Committee of three (3) members, one being the Treasurer who will be designated as chairman with two members appointed by the President. Duties to include but not limited to assist in bookkeeping, investment, etc. [sic]

107.9 The appointments of the Membership, Public Relations, Entertainment, Fund Drive, and Finance committees shall be made at the first meeting after the installation of new officers and all committee members shall serve for a period of one (1) year. All other committees shall be appointed as necessary. Each member appointed to a committee shall be from the active/associate and active administrative membership.

Amended:  12Jul99, 4Apr2005, 1May2006


108.1 Annual Budget
A budget shall be presented by the senior operational officer of the Rescue Squad and the President. The budget year is to run from July 1 through June 30. The budget shall contain the projected expenditures of the coming year. All expenditures will be made as outlined in these bylaws.  Should no budget be approved for a fiscal year by the beginning of said year, the prior year's budget shall be repeated until such time as the membership revises it or replaces it.
108.2 Honorary Membership
Honorary members may be accepted under the following conditions: they must be a person [sic] who because of age, profession, position or other acceptable reason is unable to join the Rescue Squad as an active member; and they must be sincerely interested in the Rescue Squad.

A. The method of accepting a person to Honorary Membership will be as follows: A written request by the active member of the Department/Squad nominating the person for Honorary Membership will be submitted to the Board of Directors. This request will include the name and address of the nominee and the reason for proposing him to the Honorary Roll. The Board of Directors will investigate the request and submit it with recommendations at the next regular business meeting of the Department/Squad.

B. After approval by the membership an appropriate acknowledgement will be presented to the Honorary member.

108.3 Life Membership
Any member having served in an Active status for a period of ten (10) years shall be eligible for Life Membership, said offer to be accepted by member, and on approval by membership, will be given an appropriate acknowledgement of Life Membership.

A. The service period of ten years toward qualifying for Life Membership shall be measured in total accumulative active status time. Short periods of inactivity due to business, sickness, marital or family reasons, shall not exceed a total of six months in the qualifications time.

B. Any member who has been accepted as a Life Member shall be eligible to ride on the ambulance providing he/she maintain his/her qualifications as provided by Emergency Medical Services.

C. Deleted

D. Any member may be given life membership with less than 10 years of service due to injury or illness which will prevent them [sic] from meeting the standard requirements on approval by the board of directors and a two-thirds majority vote of the membership [sic].

Amended:  9Jul01, 1May2006


109.1 The order of Business shall be as follows:

1. Call to order

2. Officer/Visitor introductions

3. Roll call

4. Crew assignments for duration of meeting

5. Reading of minutes

6. Committee reports

A. Representation

1. Rescue Council


B. Board of Directors - President

C. Finance (defer to executive session)

D. Membership (defer to executive session)

E. Public Relations

F. Fund Drive

G. Bylaws

H. Entertainment

I. Other standing committees

J. Other ad hoc committees

7. Unfinished business

8. New business

9. "Good of the Organization"

A. President

B. Captain

C. Others

10. Executive session

A. Finance Committee report - Treasurer

B. Membership Committee report

C. Other business

11. Welcome to newly-approved/promoted members

12. Adjournment

Amended: 5Aug96


110.1 There shall be a regular monthly business meeting to be held the first Monday of the month and a regular monthly drill meeting to be held as designated each month.

110.2 Special business meetings shall be called by the President of Kempsville Volunteer Rescue Squad when deemed necessary.

110.3 Deleted.

110.4 Deleted.

110.5 Deleted.

110.6 A member wishing to leave the meeting early must obtain permission from the presiding officer.

110.7 Twelve (12) active voting members shall constitute a quorum, which quorum shall be necessary to transact any business which may require a body vote. A vote on membership will be a 2/3 majority of all voting members present.

110.8 The word meeting is defined as business meeting or drill.

110.9 Special drills shall be called by the Training Officer at such time and place designated by him. He may change or cancel any drill that coincides with holidays.

110.10 All designated drills shall be posted at least ten (10) days prior to said drills.

110.11 Upon a phone call or in writing a member may be excused from attending a business meeting by the President or Vice President and a drill meeting by the appropriate operations officer. The member may be excused for any of the following reasons:

A. Working (primary job)

B. Illness

C. Attending special rescue classes

D. Tending to Squad or Department business

E. Attending school or college classes.

Amended: 10Jan94, 4Aug97, 1May2006


111.1 It shall be the duty of all members to attend punctually all meetings of the Rescue Squad.

111.2 Resignations shall not be accepted until all property of the Rescue Squad has been returned and accounted for.

111.3 Any member qualified to vote shall have access to the books, documents, and other papers belonging to the Rescue Squad under the supervision of the Officer in charge of the same.

111.4 No member of this Rescue Squad will receive any personal reimbursement for any services rendered while acting as a member of this Rescue Squad/Department except compensation by the City or State government.

111.5 It shall be the duty of all members of the Rescue Squad to take part in the maintenance and upkeep of the equipment, building, and grounds when directed to do so by an officer. Failure to comply will result in probation or suspension, to be determined by the Board of Directors.

111.6 Members under the care of a physician

111.6.1 Any member of the Rescue Squad who is under the care of a doctor or hospitalized for any reason that would prevent him/her from performing as a EMS provider, shall automatically be placed on the inactive list. Any member placed on the inactive list for the above reason(s) may at the discretion of the senior operational officer be given administrative duties. A member placed on the inactive list as stated above, may at any time submit a letter to the senior operational officer from his/her doctor(s) stating that he/she is physically and medically capable of performing as a EMS provider. Said member shall then be reinstated as per the City of Virginia Beach Department of EMS rules and regulations.  Said member shall remain active in any committee/position elected/called for while classified as an inactive member.

111.6.2 Deleted

111.7 Any member who is returning to active status after a leave of ninety (90) days or more shall be required to complete a retraining program, to be administered by the training officer.

111.8 Equipment owned by the Rescue Squad is not to be used for the benefit or convenience of a private individual when an emergency or need for Rescue Squad assistance does not exist without approval of an operational officer.

111.9 Every member should take advantage of any and all training seminars that will increase his/her knowledge in the rescue service.

111.10 It shall be the duty of all members to respond to all calls of duty whether it be for drill, rescue emergencies or request for aid in raising funds or various other activities of the Rescue Squad.

111.11 All rescue squad members shall adhere to all rules, policies, etc. as set down by the Medical Directors and senior operational officers.

111.12 Deleted

Amended: 1May95, 4Apr2005, 1May2006


112.1 Any member violating any of the provisions of these By-laws shall be disciplined by the appropriate senior operational officer and shall have the right of appeal to the Board of Directors.

112.2 No member of the Rescue Squad can be expelled except through a majority vote of the membership, unless otherwise specifically stated in these By-Laws.

Amended:  1May2006


113.1 Any expelled member wishing to be reinstated to apprentice membership must submit a letter to the Board of Directors stating why he should be reinstated as an apprentice member. The Board after investigation will submit his application, to the membership with their recommendation after which a vote of the membership will be taken by ballot. No applications will be considered before twelve (12) months after expulsion date.

113.2 Upon expulsion members must surrender all Rescue Squad property in their possession. Expelled members shall not enjoy any of the privileges of any active or associate member during the period of expulsion.

113.3 The word "suspended" as used in these By-Laws shall mean that the member is relieved of all duty, operative and executive, for a period of time not to exceed six (6) months. The word "expelled" as used in these By-Laws shall mean that the member is relieved of all duty, operative and executive and dropped from the membership roster.

113.4 Members dropped from the regular roll by the above reasons, who wish to be reinstated, must make application as an apprentice member.

Amended:  4Apr2005, 1May2006


114.1 An officer for the abuse of his authority or misconduct in his office may be impeached and removed from office by a vote of the majority of the members present. Voting by ballot, provided the charges against him be made in writing and filed with the Secretary and read at a meeting at least one (1) month before any vote shall be taken and a copy of said charges must be served upon the member by the Secretary at least two (2) weeks before such vote is taken Said vote to be taken at a regular business meeting [sic].

Amended:  4Apr2005


115.1 All amendments to the By-Laws must be presented in writing and signed by at least five (5) members in good standing.

115.2 After being read by the President, they shall be posted until the next regular meeting. At that time, they shall be voted on and will become valid when two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members present vote favorably.

115.3 Any changes, amendments, or additions made to these By-laws shall be attached showing the dates and sections.


116.1 A member shall at all times conduct himself in such a manner as will command the respect of the Rescue Squad and the public in general.

116.2 No member will take part in any Rescue Squad activity nor come on Rescue Squad property under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

116.3 A member shall not permit the use of his badge or any other identification by any person not a member, or use the same himself in any way in violation of these By-Laws or in a manner embarrassing to the Rescue Squad.

Amended:  1May2006


117.1 All distributions shall be to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under Section 501 C3 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the Corresponding Provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law.

117.2 No part of the net earning shall be distributed to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons. It may pay reasonable compensation for service rendered. It shall not attempt to influence legislation, publish or distribution of statements [sic] in a political campaign or work for any candidate seeking public office. It shall not carry on any other activities not permitted by corporation exempt from Federal income tax under Section 501 C3 of the Internal Revenue code of 1954.

117.3 Upon disolution [sic] of the corporation all funds that are not disposed of under Section 117.1 shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Place [sic] of the County in which the principle office of the corporation is then located, exclusively for such purpose or to such organization or organizations, as said determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

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